by Mike and Elfriede | Apr 28, 2023 | Gospel Message
Today we will establish the time of day and the chronological order of the Seven Statements Jesus made while hanging on the cross. For over six agonizing hours Christ Jesus spoke seven times while He was nailed to and hung by those spikes on the cross. The following...
by Mike and Elfriede | Apr 21, 2023 | CONSIDERING WISDOM
Last week we wrote about “Repentance”. We thought this would be a good time to draw your attention to our book “Considering Wisdom” chapter 4 titled “Admit and Repent”. Here is an excerpt: Admit and Repent Technological advancements have accelerated the...
by Mike and Elfriede | Apr 14, 2023 | NEWS, Vastness of Pace
Today, we want to share with you a progress update on our next book “Vastness of Pace – A Novel Inspired by True Events” and invite you to be a part of our Book Launch Team. We are so excited about the news that our next book will be ready for publishing very...
by Mike and Elfriede | Apr 14, 2023 | Gospel Message
How Important is it to Repent? How Often should we Repent? When did Repentance Begin? Today we are looking into the Foundation of Repentance and understand the importance of it. Malachi 2:16a; 3:1a For the LORD God…says… “Behold, I...
by Mike and Elfriede | Apr 7, 2023 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
When will the Second Coming of Christ happen? First Coming of Christ The First Coming of Christ is sometimes also referred to as the First Advent. Christ’s first arrival here on earth was when Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:20But while he [Joseph]...
by Mike and Elfriede | Apr 5, 2023 | NEWS
Hello! Welcome to our First Newsletter – Eternally Grateful!Issue 1/2023 We are eternally grateful for the Lord Jesus Christ taking our punishment for the sins we committed -past-present-future- so that we can have eternal life! Are you eternally grateful? In...
by Mike and Elfriede | Mar 31, 2023 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
What is the Second Death? All those who reject the Savior by not repenting of their offences toward God and not believing in Him will experience the “Second Death”. The First Death Who will experience the “First Death?” All people will die the first death...
by Mike and Elfriede | Mar 24, 2023 | Gospel News
Why is there a “First” and a “Second” Resurrection? What is the Difference? Indeed, there is a “First” Resurrection, and since it is true, then there is also a “Second” Resurrection. Let’s take a closer look at their differences. Three Parts One of the differences is...
by Mike and Elfriede | Mar 19, 2023 | Gospel Message
How is Receiving Eternal Life as easy as A-B-C-D? Can You have Eternal Life Without Jesus or by Doing Good Works? What Does it Take to Receive Eternal Life? Believing in God, going to church, and being a good person won’t save you on Judgment Day. However, going to...
by Mike and Elfriede | Mar 15, 2023 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
In Part 2 of “What is the Definition of Prophecy, Prophecies and Prophesying, we are going to explain and answer it’s meaning as a verb or noun? Let’s dive right in! Prophesy The word prophesy, with the last two letters sy, is pronounced like...