Considering Wisdom Book

We are excited to announce that we have created a Giveaway for 5 autographed copies of our book Considering Wisdom!

The Giveaway will end on Monday February 28, 2022 at 17:30h.

Follow this link to enter the Giveaway for Considering Wisdom:

Click HERE to enter the Giveaway

Don’t miss your chance to enter! You can increase your chances to win a copy by sharing this Giveaway on social media.

What is Considering Wisdom about?

You may ask, Why would I want to read the book Considering Wisdom?

In this book you will find answers to questions like:

Does Wisdom help me make the right decision?
Is there absolute Truth?
How do I attain Wisdom?

Wisdom provides the capability to know the difference between truth and falseness. To attain wisdom, the first step is to find its Source. Considering Wisdom brings to light the many facets of indoctrination and compares false doctrine to sound doctrine. Many points are made in an attempt to prove there is only one absolute truth when wisdom is seriously and honestly considered.

In his book, Considering Wisdom, author Michael Copple gently and lovingly reveals the beginning of wisdom and the Source of wisdom as he delves into controversial subjects with great anticipation of joining and reasoning together with those who have been exposed to so many different facets of indoctrination.

The author submits that minds can easily be filled with allegedly compelling facts relating to acknowledged but divisive topics. The matters in which he has chosen to divulge truth when applying wisdom include the following: climate change; gods of different religions; voting; forms of government; truthful education versus “intellectual” indoctrination; abortion; LGBT; gender identification; and revised history.

Just thinking that in today’s world with all the indoctrination of our kids in school we can use a lot of Wisdom and Truth!

On another note, please check out our 7 Question Fun Quiz to test your knowledge of the Book of Revelation at:

Link to the Quiz