Christian Author
Michael Copple
Passionate about his faith and devotion to God Michael authors fiction and non-fiction books that nurture the reader into a better understanding of the Bible and a personal relationship with the Lord.
His prayer is that through his studies of the Scriptures and research put into books he will honour God and spread the Good News.
Solving The Spiritual Dilemma
Why is Discernment Key to
Receiving Eternal Life?
In today’s world of viruses, lawlessness, murders, and sky rocketing crime rates; overwhelming insecurity has over taken peace and safety.
Is there still hope? Where can you find it?
Paperback – Price: US $11.99
eBook – Price: $2.99 or free on Kindle unlimited
Interior Photos in color!
Solving The Spiritual Dilemma
Why is Discernment Key to
Receiving Eternal Life?
In today’s world of viruses, lawlessness, murders, and sky rocketing crime rates; overwhelming insecurtiy has over taken peace and safety.
Is there still hope? Where can you find it?
By Michael Copple
Non Fiction
In his book, Considering Wisdom, author Michael Copple gently and lovingly reveals the beginning of wisdom and the Source of wisdom as he delves into controversial subjects with great anticipation of joining and reasoning together with those who have been exposed to so many different facets of indoctrination.
Other Books
Digging Deeper into The Revelation of Jesus Christ
NEW Coming Soon!
This Study Guide of the Book of Revelation has been created in a special layout. The greatest benefit of the layout is that the reader has four columns side by side to enhance ease of understanding and use of time more effectively.
Exam Booklet
Test your knowledge from your studies in Digging Deep into the Revelation
of Jesus Christ
Study Guide.
My Writing Blog
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The Law – The Penalty
Some Die Once – Many Die Twice [Part 15] In Part 15 of our series of Blog Posts from our upcoming book titled “One Way or Another Your Eternal Destination is Guaranteed” we are going to look at: “Orthodox Jews are Under the Law and The Penalty is Death” The Law - The...
The Ten Commandments
Some Die Once – Many Die Twice [Part 14] In Part 14 of our series of Blog Posts from our upcoming book titled “One Way or Another Your Eternal Destination is Guaranteed” we are going to look at: “The Ten Commandments” The Ten Commandments What are those Ten...
Believe and Learn from History!
Some Die Once – Many Die Twice [Part 13] Welcome to 2025! And getting back into a posting routine! Here we go: In Part 13 of our series of Blog Posts from our upcoming book titled “One Way or Another Your Eternal Destination is Guaranteed” we are going to look at:...
Contact Michael Copple