by Mike and Elfriede | Feb 5, 2022 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Who is the Beast? We already mentioned the beast in last week’s post when we discussed the question “Who is the Antichrist”. Is there more to the beast then mentioned last week? We believe there is. The word “beast/beasts” appears in the Bible over 300 times; the...
by Mike and Elfriede | Feb 2, 2022 | NEWS
Dear Readers and Followers, Today we are excited to share a free e-book link with you for being a loyal follower of our blog. And at the same time we would like to share some insights into our latest book “Considering Wisdom”. We have created this small e-book with 52...
by Mike and Elfriede | Jan 28, 2022 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
What does Scripture say about him and who he is? Last week and the week before we asked the questions: Who is the Son of Man and Who is the Alpha and Omega. We learned from Scripture that it is the Christ! This week we’ll look into the question: Who is the Antichrist?...
by Mike and Elfriede | Jan 21, 2022 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Last week we discussed “Who is the Son of Man”. Today we will continue looking at “Who is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last” going to the Book of Revelation. Revelation 1:7-8Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see...
by Mike and Elfriede | Jan 14, 2022 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Gospel Message
Jesus Christ being God and the Son of God called Himself Son of Man. Why did He do that and what does it mean? The “Son of Man” was a Messianic title pointing to the Messiah who we now know is Jesus Christ. The Jews knew the Old Testament and therefore could relate to...
by Mike and Elfriede | Jan 7, 2022 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Gospel Message
Is There A Blueprint? Have you ever wondered what people mean when they talk about the four table legs of the church meeting? What does Scripture say about church meetings, what did the apostles do, and what makes a church meeting complete? Acts 2:42:And they...
by Mike and Elfriede | Dec 31, 2021 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
A few weeks ago we were going to look at “What is the Role of the Church in the Book of Revelation”. Then, however, to create a foundation for that topic we decided to post Bible Study notes about some of the Seven Churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation first....
by Mike and Elfriede | Dec 24, 2021 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Before we get into that question, we will have a look at the Church of Philadelphia! For our study we are using the Study Guide “Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ” which is available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, The Church of...
by Mike and Elfriede | Dec 17, 2021 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
So far, we have looked at the first church Ephesus and the second church Smyrna. Now look at the third church. In Chapter 2 Verses 12-17 Jesus speaks to the church of Pergamos also known as the “Compromising Church”. Let’s see what He says and what it means looking at...
by Mike and Elfriede | Dec 12, 2021 | Digging Deep into the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Last week we looked at the First of Seven Churches, the Church of Ephesus. This week we study the Second of Seven Churches, the Church of Smyrna. In the Book of Revelation Chapter 2 Verses 8-11 Jesus Speaks to the Second of Seven Churches Revelation 2:8And to the...