Solving the Spiritual Dilemma

Why is Discernment Key to Receiving Eternal Life?

by Christian Author Michael Copple

Now available for Pre-Order

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What does it take for a lost soul to be rescued?

These are the Chapter Titles of Solving the Spiritual Dilemma:

  1. What is Discernment?
  2. Discernment – A Matter of Life and Death
  3. The Discernment Dilemma
  4. What is Redemption?
  5. Relying on the Right Source for Discernment; should we Trust the created or the Creator?
  6. Discernment Demands Awareness
  7. Discernment and Its Consequences

The author’s goal of Solving the Spiritual Dilemma in those 7 chapters is to boldly yet methodically communicate with heartfelt love toward the unbeliever.

Do you have a loved one who needs to know how to make the most important decision in their life?

Or are you an unbeliever who would like to receive eternal life?

Then this book is for you!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the book.